Monday, April 30, 2007

Lowering Your Insurance Premiums

1) Try increasing your collision deductible. You can also increase your comprehensive deductible but you won't see as much decrease in premium as raising your collision deductible.

2) Do you have an older car or truck? Have you checked to see the current value? When a vehicle drops in value where liability makes more sense, talk with your agent. Consider this option carefully.

3) On your home premium, consider going with a $1000 deductible, or $2000 and plan on covering small claims yourself.

However, be careful about lowering coverage to lower your premiums. Lowering coverage means you are increasing your personal exposure and risk.

4) Ask your agent what discounts are available and make sure you are receiving all you are entitled to. Are you insuring auto/home together? Do you insure vehicles with different companies. The multi-vehicle discount is a big savings.

5) Are drivers assigned to the proper vehicles. Having a teen driver assigned to a newer and more expensive vehicle will drive rates up.

Call Choice Arizona for a quote. An an independent insurance agent, we can shop around for a lower rate through our network of "A" rated carriers.

Visit my website Choice Arizona OR call (480) 659-0229

Arizona Car Insurance Quote
and Arizona Home Insurance

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