Sunday, May 13, 2007


Insurance agents meet alot of people. They meet and insure alot of business owners too. During my 14 years in the insurance business I have insured people who either were employed or owned their own business in the mortgage industry, real estate, banking, law, security, computer programming, insurance, car sales, carpet cleaning, home cleaning, glass replacement and more.

On several occasions I have tapped into this wealth of knowledge for advice or direct assistance. I know these people and have a relationship. Why not use it?

For example: the next time you are car shopping and settle on two or three models ask your agent to help you determine which one would be the least expensive to insure. That won't be your only decision making imput but more information is better, right.

I have had clients looking to buy a car for a teenager. Fortunately, they called me first. Otherwise they would have bought a car very expensive to insure.

When I needed a website I called a client, Keith Smith. He designed my current site. At some point we plan on adding more interactive features.

Keith did wonderful work and I was happy. I would never have known about it without him being a client. If you need webiste or need to improve a site, visit Keith at PHP Programming

For a sample of his work visit Car Insurance Phoenix OR
Insurance Phoenix

So the next time you are looking for a service, ask your insurance for a referral. They may know someone who does good work and is honest, trustworthy, and dependable.

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